Working with PTSD & Trauma: An Evidence Based Massage Perspective - Book ONLY

PTSD is the abbreviation for PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. It is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a life­threatening event. About 1 O percent of women and 5 percent of men will experience PTSD in their lifetime with about 1 in 30 adults in the United States suffering from the disorder at any given time and about 8 percent of Americans will be diagnosed in their lifetime.

This book provides a basic understanding of PTSD, trauma, and its effects.

Inside this book you will learn:
• The definition of PTSD and acute trauma
• The different classes and categories of PTSD and symptoms
• Introduction to polyvagal theory
• What to do if your client has a crisis
• Some first-hand accounts of the experience of PTSD

Statistics point to each of us knowing someone who is experiencing, or will experience, PTSD or experiencing it ourselves. As a profession built on compassion and non-judgment, we are in an ideal position to help those experiencing symptoms of PTSD. But, understanding the condition and symptoms and managing them is key to helping them safely. Creating a treatment plan that focuses on safety and compassion is a key tool for accomplishing that and with the tools provided in this book, massage therapists can make a difference for many people.

$7.95 Book Only. No CE Credits.

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